
the priestess of time

earth guardian initiator

activate your highest destiny timeline and become a force for powerful positive change in the world.

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Hi! My name is Serpentine. I’m a priestess, oracle, storyteller, DJ, and planetary gridworker here to assist in the Evolution of human consciousness during this sacred Time of Transition into the New Age of Aquarius.

After experiencing a shocking Kundalini Awakening in 2014, I underwent 10 years of intense shamanic initiations which took me to the depths of my shadow and revealed to me the powers of my voice and energy field, which massively detoxify karmas and accelerate spiritual awakening in any person or place I encounter.

​As a result of my deep spiritual purification, dedication to my sadhana, and remembrance of my warrior heart, I was given the Rainbow Shakti Sword. Wielding this this astral sword grants me the power to work directly with the 7 primary chakras in the collective energy body, as I cut out fear and illusion to restore clarity and truth.

​As a devotee of Tripura Sundari and ally of Mother Ayahuasca and the benevolent Nagas, I am a clear channel for the Goddess and a catalyst for total transformation on Earth. It is my honor to be of service to the Collective during this time of profound Global Change.

your guide through the game of life

Do you feel deep within your Heart a knowing that you are here for a big, important purpose?

Do you have an urge to break free of the old outdated systems and create beyond preconceived personal and societal limitations?

Are you an artist, revolutionary, cursebreaker, and/or innovator eager to take up more space and show up fully online in your sacred mission?

I know what it’s like to come up against the edge of internalized and externalized patriarchal forces that threaten to keep you small and suppressed. These boss battles, while challenging, are here to test us and show us what we are truly made of.

I am here to help you beat the boss and take you to your Next Level. The more Power Players that come online and Level Up, the greater change we can effect on Earth together!

We are in a Time of Prophecy, and as such, it is up to each and every one of us to rise up and claim our Evolutionary Destiny. This is what it means to be an Earth Guardian, a protector of the sacred and creator of the New Earth systems.

Mother Earth is Calling.
Are you ready to become the Answer?

become a power player

choose your adventure

serpent tarot

$350 (1 hr)

shed your skin & activate the next level of your evolution.

akashic records

$350 (1 hr)

explore your soul's story in your book of destiny.

spirit mediumship

$350 (1 hr)

receive messages from loved ones, ancestors, & guides.

consult the oracle

It is my honor to connect with you one-on-one to activate your highest evolutionary timeline.

Please be advised that by listening to my voice & and engaging with my energy field you consent to a spiritual detoxification and acceleration.

All sessions held over Zoom.